Thursday, August 01, 2019

day-1, Yukon 700 km, Start from Whitehorse

kayak day-1

* start
Whitehorse/Kanue people
point 46 km (from Marsh Lake), map p.63

* Camp
Before Scow point and Lake Laberge
point 80 km, map p.61
Today's paddling 80 - 46 km = 34 km

60.950000, -135.080833

- 6:00 wake up
- 7:00 Breakfast @ hostel
- 8:30 Kanoepeople, 
shopping at independent store, bakery.
got Fishing licence.

- start packing my stuff into a kayak.
The first kayak did not have enough space for my stuff. Or my stuff is too mach to put into the first kayak.
They gave me the second and larger kayak.

- 12:30 Lunch @ Kanoe people
took much time for packing my stuff into the kayak.

- 15:00 finally I could paddle into the river.

18:30 rest before entering the lake.
So far good weather and sunshine.

Steamboat Slough.
I lost my way and went into wrong direction before entering the lake.
I lost about one hour.

entered into the lake finally.

20:30 I could find a shore for today's camp.
This is my first day and I found difficult to find a good camp site.
I saw a group of canoe or kayak.

around 23:00 went into my sleeping bag to sleep.

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