Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Mardi Himal Trekking day-3

- **4:30 AM**: Woke up at High Camp (3,600m).  
- **5:00 AM**: Started the climb before sunrise with a headlamp.  
- **8:40 AM**: Reached Mardi Himal Base Camp West (4,500m).
The climb was challenging due to the high altitude and thin air, requiring small steps and frequent rests.
This was the highest point I could reach.
The sky was perfectly clear, with no clouds, offering an incredible view of Mt. Machhapuchhre (6,997m).
This was the highlight of the trek.  

After enjoying the view, I descended back to High Camp and eventually Low Camp.
The weather shifted between sunny, rainy, and cloudy throughout the day, and I stayed the night at Low Camp.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Mardi Himal Trekking day-2

- **8:00 AM**: Started hiking.  
- Reached Low Camp (3,050m) and continued past Nauge Danda.  
- **12:00 PM**: Stopped for lunch; had pancakes and saw a group of yaks.  
- **1:00 PM**: Arrived at High Camp (3,600m), the last guesthouse village before the base camp. It was cloudy and cold here. Along the way, I found many beautiful, small flowers.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mardi Himal Trekking day-1

- **6:30 AM**: Breakfast, milk coffee  
- **7:30 AM**: Took a taxi from Peace Eye Guest House in Pokhara  
- **8:00 AM**: Reached the bus station  
- **9:00 AM**: Arrived at Kande, a small village and the trailhead near Dhampus where we started the trek.
We passed through
Pothana and
Pitam Deurali.  
- **3:20 PM**: Reached Forest Camp (2,600m) and stayed at a guesthouse.  
- **5:00 PM**: Dinner  

Saturday, October 05, 2024


**Tukuche (2,590m) to Kagbeni (2,840m)**

10:00 - Marpha, a beautiful town.  
I bought a package of apples for around 150 Rs.

According to the guidebook:  
In 1899, Japanese explorer Ekai Kawaguchi, the first foreigner to visit Marpha, stayed for three months in the house of the local subba (customs/tax officer). The house still has its original wood carvings.

Walked along the main car road to Jomsom, a larger town with an airport.

Lunch at Marco Polo Restaurant.  
Had Momo and lassi.

Walked north, passing cows and bikers.  
The road was sandy, rough, and brown in color.

This area is famous for its strong valley winds.

Arrived at Kagbeni (2,840m).  
Stayed at a local hotel.  
Dinner: Dal Bhat.

There was a beautiful mountain view of Nilgiri from the hotel.

By this time, I was feeling quite tired.



10時 - 美しい町マルファに到着。  






夕食: ダルバート。



Friday, October 04, 2024


**Ghasa (2,010m) to Tukuche (2,590m)**

Breakfast: Eggs and tea.

8:00 - Started walking.  
It was cloudy in the morning but cleared up later.

Passed through small villages:  
- Lete  
- Kalopani  
- Larjung  
- Kobang

13:00 - Lunch in Khanti, where I had Dal Bhat.  
I rested for a long time with some locals.

15:00 - Light rain began.  
I took a break at a cafe with apple juice.  
Around this area, I saw apple trees and forests.

Finally reached Tukuche (2,590m), getting closer to the Mustang district.

Stayed at Dutch Bakery Cafe & Restaurant.  
The staff was nice, and there was rain near the entrance to my room.  
The cafe had posters of galaxies on the walls.

Dinner: Fried rice and vegetable soup.

Total cost to the hotel : 3,000 Rs.



8時 - 出発。

- レテ  
- カロパニ  
- ラルジュン  
- コバン

13時 - カンティで昼食にダルバートを食べた。  

15時 - 小雨が降り出した。  


宿泊先: ダッチベーカリーカフェ&レストラン。スタッフは親切で、部屋の入口付近には雨が降っていた。カフェには銀河のポスターが飾ってあった。

夕食: 焼き飯と野菜スープ。

合計費用: 3000ルピー。

Thursday, October 03, 2024


**Shikha (1,940m) to Ghasa (2,010m)**

8:00 - Started walking.  
At Tatopani, there was a hot spring where I enjoyed a mildly hot pool
together with Nepali people who wore their pants and shirts.  
The cold shower under the sunshine was refreshing.

13:00 - Lunch and rest for about an hour.  
Had a potato croquette.

From here to Jomsom, we followed the Kali Gandaki River through a famous deep valley.  
A main road is under construction, with some sections good and others rough.

The cafe had a great view of the mountains and a garden with colorful flowers and a dog relaxing in the shade.

I saw Nilgiri South.  
I also passed a large waterfall.

My guide gave me a slice of cucumber on a hill.

17:00 - Arrived at Ghasa (2,010m).  
Stayed at Florida Guest House & Restaurant, which had a garden with colorful flowers and both young and older women working as staff.

It was an 8-hour walk, mostly on car roads, making for another long day.


8時 - 出発。

13時 - 1時間ほど昼食と休憩。ポテトコロッケを食べた。





17時 - ガーサ(2010m)に到着。  
宿泊先: フロリダゲストハウス&レストラン。


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Annapurna Circuit: day-2

**Ulleri (1,960m) to Shikha (1,940m)**


8:00 - Started walking.  
I found mountains to the far north from the guesthouse.

13:00 - Climbed up to Poon Hill (3,200m) on a long staircase.  
My guide joined me later.  
It’s a great viewpoint, but it was mostly cloudy today, so no photos.  
We stayed there for about 20 minutes.

13:30 - Had lunch at a cafe.  
Another long walk followed.  
I tried to reach Tatopani, but it was already past 16:00 when we arrived in Shikha.

17:00 - Arrived at Shikha.  
Stayed at See You Lodge in Shikha.  
Dinner: Dal Bhat with chicken.

Total cost: 2,450 Rs (stay, dinner, and breakfast).

Health check:  
- SpO2: 98%  
- Heartbeat: 68 bpm  
- Temperature: 35.9°C (normal values at 0m altitude)

In the morning, I saw a snowy peak to the north, likely Annapurna South.



8時 - トレッキングをスタート。今日も、ガイドと共に。

13時 - 長い階段を登ってプーンヒル(標高3200m)に到着。  

13時30分 - カフェで昼食。  

17時 - シカに到着。  
宿泊先: シカの
See You Lodge
夕食: ダルバート(チキン付き)

合計費用: 2450ルピー(宿泊、夕食、朝食)

- 酸素飽和度(SpO2): 98%  
- 心拍数: 68 bpm  
- 体温: 35.9℃(標高0mでの通常値)

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Milk Tea @ Nepal, 2024

 How many cups of tea 

should one have drunk 

before one became a Nepali from a Japanese ?

アンナプルナサーキット まとめ

標高 5416m の
Thorang La Pass

day-0 A long way from Kathmandu to Pokhara.
day-1 Walk from Nayapul to Ulleri
day-2 Ulleri (1960m) to Shikha (1940m). Another long walk day under cloudly sky.
day-3 Shikha (1940m) to Ghasa (2010m)
day-4 Ghasa (2010m) to Tukuche (2590m)
day-5 Tukuche (2590m) to Kagbeni (2840m). Another long day walk.
day-6 Kagbeni (2840m) to Ranipauwa (3710m)
day-7 Rest and walk around Muktinath (3800m). I got infected.
day-8 Ranipauwa back to Jomson by a taxi. A rest day.
day-9 Rest day in Jomson.
day-10 Jomson to Pokhara by a propeller plane. 

Annapurna Circuit: day-1

(Used chatGPT for correcting English)
Walk from Nayapul to Ulleri 

**Walk from Nayapul to Ulleri**

10:00 - Checked out of the guesthouse.  
10:30 - Arrived at the bus station.  
10:50 - Took a bus.

13:00 - Started trekking with a guide from Nayapul (1,080m).

17:30 - Arrived at Ulleri (1,960m).  
Both the guide and I were tired after the long climb.  
It was about a 900m ascent.

Stayed at Holiday Guest House in Ulleri.  
Dinner: Fried rice, Momo.  
I couldn’t finish all the food.

Total cost: 3,000 Rs (stay, dinner, and breakfast)  
Paid the guide 4,000 Rs for chips.

**ナヤプルからウレリへ **

10時 - ポカラのゲストハウスをチェックアウト。  
10時30分 - バス停に到着。  
10時50分 - バスに乗る。
13時 - ナヤプル(標高1080m)からガイドと一緒にトレッキングを開始。

17時30分 - ウレリ(標高1960m)に到着。  

宿泊先: ウレリのホリデイゲストハウス  
夕食: 焼き飯とモモ。食べきれなかった。

合計費用: 3000ルピー(宿泊、夕食、朝食)  
