Monday, July 29, 2019

day 4, Happy Camp to Bare Loon Lake.

Least sleep last night.

Breakfast was hot water, bread, cheese, and salami.

7:30 my closes and gears were still wet but I found nothing except to go.

Rain outside.

Passed Deep lake, Linden Lake.
Hat some snacks.

a small lake.

13:15 found Today's camp.
This was the best camp site in the trail.
Besides Bare Loon Lake.

Various camp places I could select near the lake or on the hill top.

Sunshine finally came.
I could dry most of my stuff and myself.

In the evening, a Canadian two-dads and kinds from Whitehorse had arrived here.
I and they shared the trail all days.
They were happy and nice guys.

Now 19:50 shall I go to sleeping bag or go out for a night sky ?

Bare Loon Lake Campground
Trail mileage: kilometer 46.7 / mile 29
Elevation: 747 meters / 2450 feet


taka_tamuさん(@taka.tamu)がシェアした投稿 -

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